Learn More About Pin Pod

THE KLIPit Pin Pod
Thank you for dropping in to learn more about the Pin Pod! We appreciate Quilt In A Day and Eleanor Burns for providing such a great product demo. The Pin Pod can be purchased here on our KLIPit Store or at www.quiltinaday.com. Your local Hobby Lobby is also a great place to shop for KLIPit brand products!
The Pin Pod is a magnetic removable Pod that holds your pins on a wrist slap bracelet. Because its magnetic, it is easily removed from the bracelet and can be attached to any metal surface. The bracelet even doubles as a ruler! The slap bracelet is put on the wrist just like the good old fashioned slap bracelets we had when we were kids! The Pin Pod works with all sizes of pins. This is a fantastic product!! It has been our number 1 selling product at the quilting shows that we travel to around the United States. Quilters have been buying them for personal use, as well as for gifts and give-a-ways. It comes in 4 different colors: Blue, Pink (most popular), Purple and Green.
In addition to the Eleanor Burns video, we have a brief product demo that you can watch by clicking the product image below.
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